Stock Overflow
StockOverflow is a full-stack financial trading web application that combines realtime data with hypothetical funds allowing users to practice day-trading without any financial risk. It was modeled and influenced by Robinhood's unreleased desktop web application.
- Search for companies by ticker symbol or company name
- Obtain real-time trade price pulled from external API
- Visualize historical stock prices for up to five years
- Buy and sell company shares based on current market-price
- Watch companies to add to user's Watchlist
- See financial portfolio on account page
- Read news articles on publicly traded companies
- Ruby on Rails backend
- React/Redux frontend
- Alpha Vantage API
- ChartJS API
- Object Oriented Programming
Data Visualization
The graph on the company show page was created using the ChartJS library. Once the component begins to mount, an API pull request to AlphaVantage is made on the frontend to grab real time and historical trading prices up to five years.
- Users have the ability to toggle over various time frames (1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month, 3 Months, 1 Year, 5 Years) The MomentJS Javascript library was utilized to parse the data based on specific time frames.
- Users have the ability to check the closing prices for the day/minute as they hover over the graph
- The graph changes color based on whether the company has a positive or negative change in price value for the specific time frame
Trading On The Site
Trading on the site is made easy with a modal created using vanilla Javascript. The simple UX/UI encourages users to either buy or sell shares of the specific company. Users can easily see how much their trade will cost/make them with a responsive calculation. They can easily compare the total with their current buying power in the same form.
Select Code Snippets
Trade event
To account for the various scenarios a user might encounter when a trade is made. These methods belong to the TradeEvent class.
When a user buys or sells stock, the action is stored in the database as a TradeEvent. The TradeEvent handles the appropriate changes affecting the User portfolio and their Stock in a company.
def self.handle_buy(event, user, company) num_shares = event[:num_shares].to_i stock = Stock.find_by(user_id:, company_id: stock_value = Stock.value(company, num_shares) if stock_value > user.cash_value return "You don't have enough funds for this purchase" elsif stock user.decrease_cash_value(stock_value) stock.num_shares += num_shares else user.decrease_cash_value(stock_value) user.stocks.create!(company_id:, num_shares: event[:num_shares].to_i) end end def self.handle_sell(event, user, company) num_shares = event[:num_shares].to_i stock = Stock.find_by(user_id:, company_id: stock_value = Stock.value(company, num_shares) if !stock return "You have no stock in this company to sell." elsif num_shares > stock.num_shares return "You don't have enough shares to make that sale." elsif num_shares == stock.num_shares user.increase_cash_value(stock_value) stock.destroy else user.increase_cash_value(stock_value) stock.num_shares -= num_shares end end
Future Development
- Create backend rake task to cache historical stock prices (reduce api load time)
- Implement graph logic below to properly and accurately show user's portfolio history